2019 December Duke Leadership Program
December Duke Leadership Program
December 8-13, 2019
Registration Deadline: October 24, 2019
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Program Description
The Duke Executive Education's Duke Leadership Program (DLP) presented by NACD is based on the principle that every leader has an individual style. The goal of the program is to help you systematize your intuitive leadership skills in an intense and supportive environment, learning to capitalize on your strengths while overcoming leadership challenges. Great leaders are continually learning. This program is ideal for anyone with current or anticipated leadership responsibilities, ranging from high-level executives and managers to people expecting to take on leadership roles, to those who are not in management positions but are expected to lead and influence others in the course of their work.
- The program teaches six dimensions of leadership and uses a personalized method for helping you develop your competencies in each of the six areas.
- Central to the course is a 360-degree assessment tool to be completed in advance of the program by your colleagues. Each assessment is interpreted by a professional coach who will work individually with you to analyze the results and apply leadership principles to the feedback.
- You will work with a coach to complete a Personal Development Plan (PDP) to help you become the type of leader you strive to be. The PDP will serve as a roadmap for addressing new leadership challenges after completion of the course. In addition to working with course instructors on these plans, you will be divided into small working groups to provide each other feedback.
Learning Outcomes
- Become more intentional and strategic in leadership as opposed to relying on intuition
- Create and project your vision, values, and expertise
- Demonstrate understanding of and concern for others
- Build coherence by clarifying roles, rules, and processes
- Serve as a source of optimism and enthusiasm while eliciting excellence and innovation
- Provide the resources and support to encourage savvy risk-taking
- Infuse responsibility, ethical actions, and balance in an organizational setting
- Recognize ways to lead effectively under a variety of conditions
- Lead in times of change, including crises and mergers
- Create an effective leadership team
Who Should Attend
Anyone with current or anticipated leadership responsibilities, and those who are not in management positions but are expected to lead and influence others in the course of their work.
Contact Matt Glaser, Vice President, Education & Strategic Programs, at mglaser@nacd.com.