
Marketing Opportunities

The Alliance for Chemical Distribution offers companies a myriad of ways to deliver messages to our network of first-tier decision makers within the chemical distribution industry. Compiled for your convenience, see below for information about those opportunities to expand your organization's brand awareness and strengthen your name recognition among ACD members and Affiliates.

Scroll down to view more information on our print, digital, and sponsorship opportunities.


Print Advertising Opportunities

ACD Chemicals in Motion Magazine

Branding Opportunities Available for the Chemicals in Motion Magazine

Increase your company's brand recognition by featuring your company's advertisement in our upcoming Chemicals in Motion Magazine. Strengthen your name recognition among ACD members and Affiliates.

  • Special ACD Member discounts: Up to 20% off placements for ACD members.

To discuss these opportunities further, contact Claire O'Leary at +44 (0)7828 830438.

Learn More About Print Advertising


Digital Advertising Opportunities

Website Advertising

Leverage ACD’s website traffic to help your organization stay in front of members in the chemical distribution industry by purchasing a limited-availability position on the ACD website.

Member Update Advertising

The Alliance for Chemical Distribution (ACD) publishes and delivers their Member
Update e-newsletter quarterly. The e-newsletter is a reliable and credible source for members-exclusive news and information.

E-Newsletter Advertising

The Alliance for Chemical Distribution (ACD) publishes and delivers their e-newsletter to over 4,000 database contacts twice a week. The e-newsletter is a reliable and credible source for their industry’s top and relevant news. These subscribers are the top decision makers in their industry.

Dedicated Emails

Reserving a sponsorship position allows you to write and craft your article to be delivered to these subscribers who are the top decision makers in your industry. Your messaging is meant to be editorial and allows you to continue to be known as thought leaders in your industry. This is not an advertorial position and is an opportunity to truly connect with your industry members on a whole new level! 

Website Retargeting

Leverage ACD’s website traffic to help your organization stay in front of members in the chemical distribution industry on the websites they visit most! Through ACD’s website retargeting program, you may take advantage of ad placements on thousands of websites across
the internet, helping you enhance your brand awareness with ACD’s niche audience, and drive quality traffic to your website.

All positions are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Need help with ad design? Our graphic services are included.


Learn More About Digital Advertising


Sponsorship Opportunities

Event Sponsorships

Reach out to representatives of more than 400 chemical distribution companies from around the country who attend ACD’s national programs, ChemEdge and Annual Meeting. Over 30 sponsorship opportunities are available for each meeting. Event Sponsorships are also available for ACD regional meetings, Responsible Distribution workshops, Regulatory workshops, Washington Fly-In, and webinars.


Corporate Sponsorships

Year-long access to members is a direct line of communication to top industry decision makers with the purchasing power and visibility to maximize your objectives. As a Corporate Sponsor, your company will be showcased on a regional and national level to professionals of the chemical distribution industry. Your company’s name will be linked to major industry events that deliver great exposure and are proven business generators. Don’t miss the opportunity to influence this important group of decision makers and the phenomenal purchasing power they represent.

 Download corporate sponsorship brochure here

Sustaining Sponsorships (Distributor members only)

The Sustaining Sponsorship Program is designed to provide ACD members with maximum value and convenience in ACD’s exceptional professional development courses and events. When you are a Sustaining Sponsor, you pay one upfront cost for your entire organization’s full-year access to a wide variety of educational programs. With pre-selected packages, you do not have to select educational programs for your staff individually. You know the options available each year, and staff can make selections based on their needs. Plus, there is a concierge to answer your questions and manage registrations.

 Download sustaining sponsorship brochure here


Contact Roselle Foley to Learn More About ACD Sponsorship Opportunities