education & meetings

Duke Virtual Management Executive Education Program

Duke Virtual Management Executive Education Program


For those interested in participating in the Duke Virtual Duke Management Program, please reach out to Mike Lang at to discuss current pricing and dates available.

Program Description

Designing and implementing effective management systems enables you to organize your work, distribute assignments across groups or individuals, coordinate interdependent tasks, and to continue to communicate with and motivate your team in a manner that improves performance. Understanding and drawing from key organizational principles will help this improvement become a reality.


At the conclusion of the program you’ll be able to:

  • Identify weak links in a system that tries to use pay-for-performance.
  • Understand the nature of decision biases and tools to make better individual and team decisions.
  • Add new tools for building cohesion in a team to you skills toolbox.
  • Know the basic tradeoffs that underlie organizational design decisions.
  • Decide when and where to "empower" people to make their own decisions.
  • Draw on culture as a systematic part of organizational success (instead of a source of cynicism).